Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Signature Outfit - Winter

Yesterday, I read this post by Mrs Woog. Her innate sense of style inspired me to share my own Signature outfit.

My outfit is a winter outfit only, although parts of it can be worn in the transitional seasons also. It is a fairly new outfit (2010-2012) but this is because previously, I did not have an outfit for the occaision of "not leaving the house today/now I'm home". And THIS is because previously, I simply wore my pyjamas during these periods of time - Satin pjs are the most comfortable piece of clothing on the planet as far as I am concerned!

Ongoing requests that I not put my pj's on as soon as I get home from my Englishman have created a gap in my wardrobe which I have filled over the past 2 winters, and this is the result:


I like my clothes to match so imagine my delight when I came across this wonderful ensemble! Wildcats indeed. It had been quite a few years since I owned a tracksuit (don't ask me why, I really don't understand it myself) and this was the perfect pair to re-introduce myself to the wonders of fleece and hoods.
This was purchased about 2 years ago while living in our previous unit - top floor with lots of windows and air con that would trip the circuit, requiring a phone call to Energy Australia to get into the room downstairs and flick a switch. Hence, the need for warmth, comfort and something that doesnt quite look like pyjamas.
When its really cold, I add a singlet a la Supre or a grey 'Cheetahs' tshirt to this outfit, which fits with the underlayer theme of 'slightly feminine sounding animals as mascots for ficticious sporting teams'.

In keeping again with the feline theme, these little beauties were shipped back from the UK in my last visit to the 'Motherland' (thankyou, TopShop). In fact, they were replacements for the previous pack of 3 bought a few years prior which are still in rotation but looking a bit sad.
Really, how can you resist thick, warm socks with Hello Kitty all over them? The colours aren't a great match for the tracksuit (Blue, Brown or Blue-and-white) but hey, you can't have everything, right?


These are only a recent purchase and one that I am thoroughly pleased with. I believe I have many, many years of comfort ahead of me!
This particular set may still be available at your local shop that starts with a big 'K' and includes pyjamas (tshirt and long pants) which don't feature here because frankly, my tracksuit from the shop with the bit red spot is MUCH better.
As I mentioned before, I like my clothes to match. And while my Underlayer doesnt match the Outerlayer, I'm still very happy. Purple being my favourite colour, I'm even more pleased!
Did you notice this dressing gown, like the underlayer, also has a hood? Double warmth for the head if I need to duck outside for some reason. The minky softness of this layer is its biggest drawcard, and the slipper/bedsocks even have grip on the base!
It is also important to note that a dressing gown is adjustable in size, and as I am currently looking like this:

 and still 3 months to go! Adjustability is important.

I will lament the day my Wildcats Hoodie no longer stretches over my bulbous stomach - not quite sure how I will replace this important piece without throwing the balance of the outfit off altogether.....

What is your signature outfit? Blog about it and link to me (or Mrs Woog) or just comment and let me know!

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